Dr. Alexandra Pontefract
Staff Scientist
Dr. Alexandra Pontefract is a Senior Staff Scientist at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. She is a geomicrobiologist interested in habitat generation through impact bombardment, life in cold and salty environments, as well as life-detection techniques and instrumentation. Dr. Pontefract has extensive Arctic field experience, and has served as science and instrument lead on several analog mission deployments. Currently she is working on biosignature detection in a range of hypersaline environments, specifically focusing on the limits of life as they pertain to water activity and chaotropicity, and is also pursuing research on the habitability of impact shocked basalts.
H.B.Sc. Biology (Minor - Earth Sciences), McMaster University, 2006
M.Sc. Biology, McMaster University, 2008
Ph.D. Geology (Planetary Science), Western University, 2014
Postdoctoral Fellow, Western University, 2014-2015
Postdoctoral Associate, MIT, 2016-2018
Research Scientist, MIT, 2018-2019
Assistant Research Professor, Georgetown University, 2019-2021
Professional Staff, JHU-APL, 2022 - Current.